October 3, 2000 CONTINUED
Celebrity Quote Of The Week
"Why waste a $150,000-a-month clothing allowance on someone who buys secondhand
clothes? Give it to me."
-- "Ally McBeal" star and clotheshorse Portia de Rossi, jealously commenting
of the wardrobe budget of Calista Flockhart
Frankly, Portia, I don't blame you (what kind of an awful name is Portia, anyway?).*
With Calista's needle-like build, you'd think $50 would provide enough
fabric to last her all season!
*Uh, made up, we think. (Well, stolen from Shakespeare,
at least.) According to reports, the Australian actress' real name is... ahem...
Mandy Rogers. -ed.

"Gregoire, Sweetie, you're right. No self-respecting gay man would be a fan
of Celine Dion, nor would any self-respecting Canadian. If only she
would just get over herself and stay retired!" -- Heather
"Gregoire, Oh my god, I could not support you more in your statement regarding
Celine Dion's vapid music. Your rebuttal to Offended was right on the mark.
Offended almost made the point for you he or she obviously is unaware that
the more popular something is, the more mediocre it is likely to be. I have
wanted to write to you for a while, because I love your gossip, but alas,
I live in North Carolina so I cannot report any celebrity sightings and have
not had any other reason to write until now. God bless that misguided fool,
'Offended', for giving me an excuse.
Until Anna Nicole Smith appears in my town searching for a redneck hitman
to off her stepson, -- Eva"
Readers, it's not the red wine. I'm officially blushing! I received a ton of
reader mail in such an outpouring of love, such an outpouring of Celine Dion-bashing,
in repsonse to last week's reader's letter questioning my own sanity. Though
Celine-bashing is an easy game to play, it does bring the online community together
in the spirit of togetherness and bad-pop hating. To quote that maligned
Q-tip, to you dear readers, my heart will go on and on! And, Eva, speaking
of Anna-Nicole...
"Gregoire, OH Happy Day! As I was waiting for my Imperial rolls at my local
Vietnamese hang-out, I just happened to pick up a copy of what passes for
a local paper. To my surprise and delight I read the article that gave hope
to all gold-diggers everywhere: Anna Nicole Smith got her MONEY!
As I wiped away an emotional tear, I couldn't help but send a telepathic
hug to li'l Anna. After all the humiliation, she is vindicated. Is it too
much to hope for that you will be devoting some screen-space to this auspicious
occasion??" -- Nela
Why, not at all! We should all rejoice in that fact that the courts granted
the plus-sized model almost $500 million of her late husband's money, because
this means that her monstrously absurd behaviors will only skyrocket into the
stratosphere of the absolutely fabulous! While beloved family members of the
man will receive just enough to eek out a sad, pathetic lifestyle, Anna-Nicole
will be able to jetset without a care in the world. The public dementia of our
Lady Smith has only just begun! Please stay tuned to this column for the LATEST
chapter in Anna-Nicole's swervy, out-of-control life.
Oh, my curvacious, besequined freak, can I marry you?
Until Anna-Nicole mistakes Barbra Streisand for a bathroom towel attendant,
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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
©2003 Just Friends Productions, Inc.