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Star of books, stage, and computer screen, Breakup Girl came to TV after being acquired by Oxygen Media in 1999. The first cartoons created in Macromedia Flash that were shown on television and on the web, these Breakup Girl shorts combine warm humor with sharp advice!

Second Season Pilot
"Fear of Flying" has never been shown online before, since we were canned from Oxygen before we could post it. In fact, one of the reasons our "jobs were eliminated" was because this pilot "wasn't right" for X-Chromosome, the TV show we were on. After we were gone, they aired it anyway. (7min./3.6MB)

Fear of Flying     Fear of Flying
Breakup Girl is the superhero that saves love lives the world over! But what about her own? When she meets the mighty Man-Guy, you will believe that sparks can fly.

DISCLAIMER: "Fear of Flying" was animated in the more innocent time before September 11th, when crashing-planes, though a questionable source of humor, was not yet completely off-limits.

The story behind the story:
Read how Man-Guy was introduced in this classic comic.

First Season
The following two-minute, animated adventures of Breakup Girl are all based on letters from our advice column! Throughout the series, Breakup Girl -- headquartered at her Studio Apartment of Justice -- receives calls for help through her Website, then flies off to rescue the world's lovelorn from their precarious and hilarious predicaments. (2min./1.1MB)

BONUS: Browse the first season using the Comic Strip Interface!

Not sure what this is about?
Check out the BG "summer movie" Trailer!

Desperately Single     Desperately Single
When a single gal tries to avoid a medieval dinner like the black plague, Breakup Girl puts the ball in her court!

The story behind the story:
Read the classic letter that inspired this episode!

Dog Tired     Dog Tired
When a dumper makes his ex's recovery a pet project, he gets some much needed training from Breakup Girl!

The story behind the story:
Read the classic letter that inspired this episode!

The Loftbuilder     The Loftbuilder
BG meets a Nice Guy -- the kind of "teddy bear" no one wants to sleep with -- and helps him finish first.

The story behind the story:
Read the classic letter from the original "loftbuilder," and the comic that inspired this episode!

Taking the Leap     Taking the Leap
This girl's kissed a lot of frogs to find her Prince Charming, but now she's afraid to take the leap. Can Breakup Girl warm her cold feet?

Mr. Wronged     Mr. Wronged
Two guys wronged by the same woman try to make things right. But will Breakup Girl help them get even? You do the math.

The story behind the story:
Read the classic letter that inspired this episode! (And note important differences between the source material and the final cartoon.)

Maxims     Breakup Girl Maxims
13 of Breakup Girl's most important advice snippets have been turned into a series of 30-second spots running on the Oxygen TV network during commercial breaks.

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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
© 2008 Just Friends Productions, Inc.
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Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
Do not fool around with someone in order to get over someone, especially if it’s that person.
Breakup Girl Sez

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