September 1, 2000
DAISY, DAISY CRAZE. Cycle dealers are buzzing about the climbing popularity
of the tandem bike.
(It's the opposite of canoeing:
the front person's in control; make of that dynamic what you will.) Anyway,
meet someone here; then hit the road together.
What heart-healthier way could there be to find "someone to share
the driving?"
THE BAND!" Variety reports: "While posting only so-so numbers
in its Friday-night run this summer, "Making the Band" has developed a
cult following with viewers and has a large number of fans inside ABC."
Result: ABC is apparently close to ordering more episodes! (And: the boys will
appear on "All My Children" September 18!) Just don't put them on
Buffy, or we'll die of sheer overstimulation.
ANGEL AND WILLOW?! No, it's not a sweeps-week rumor; it's the focus
of the (searchable!) fan fiction at the highly-regarded and dutifully-maintained
"Angel of Mine" site.
Blasphemy...or destiny? You decide.
SEX LIVES OF TEENAGERS. They're getting more than you are...but that's
not funny on so many levels.
reports that the people behind London's Millennium
Bridge are developing another key suspension project: a state-of-the-art
bra. Queen Victoria's Secret!
MONK. In response to a friend's challenge, 18-year-old Brett Banfe of Haddonfield,
NJ has taken a year-long vow of silence, starting yesterday. According to wire
reports, "Banfe says he hopes the vow of silence will give him a chance
to observe society and learn about himself." He'll communicate in other
ways (we'll see how his freshman professors feel about that), including his
website. He was single
at press time, so if you're looking for a good listener.... (Breakup
Mom: "He'll never make it.")
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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
©2003 Just Friends Productions, Inc.