October 6, 2000
I LOVE HIM." Over her years as a psychotherapist, Dr. Jill Murray
began to notice that most of the battered women she treated had, well, started
young. If you're worried
about your kid, get this book. Believe me, no parent wants to be
the one to say, "But I didn't realize...".
Eudora's new flame-retardant software makes little chili-peppers pop up when
the message you're composing gets a little too picante. Now if only it could
recognize "It's not you...".
SENOR RIGHT'S BEST FRIEND. Madrid is now patrolled by three vet-staffed
animal ambulances. Doctors, dogs, and Spaniards: how
do you say "babe magnet threefer" in Castilian?!
ROSNER. I wanted to say her voice sounded like coffee, but a reviewer
already said that. I wanted to say she sounds like Joan Armatrading, but someone
beat me to that too. So listen
to Rosner sing "I kept the home fires burning / 'til it burned me out"
or "...and although I am clearly alternative / I am leaning just a little
toward middle age average" and see for yourself that she's the one
who's original.
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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
©2003 Just Friends Productions, Inc.