To Should Have Looked Before I Leapt from
If you've decided, based on her photo, that there is no future for you with
this girl, then for heaven's sake put her out of her misery NOW! I think stringing
her along is pointlessly cruel. From now on, PLEASE get the photo up front.
To BG from Holly:
Your column about how graduation/battling
parents can be a bad combination was great. I am the oldest of three children,
and my dad left my mom a few months before my younger sister's high school graduation.
When the big day came, nothing was settled, and they were very bitter. Grad
in my extended family means a bbq with family and friends, and my dad decided
he wasn't going to come because it would be "too uncomfortable". Breakup Girl,
I shocked him, because I am usually a very good, easy going daughter, but I
told him to grow up and that he had better be there. He came and afterwards
told me I was right. Sometimes parents need reminding that they are the adults.
To Lonely But Not Pathetic from Reenie:
Sister, I hear ya! It is rough waiting for the right one to come along. Your
story is eerily similar to mine. This freshly 33-year old woman says: stay strong.
And I don't believe the "not getting eyed on the street" post-30
thing for one minute. Just have to say that I was 30 before I got noticed
on the street, and really I'm sure I've never had more male attention (in at
least the eyeing once-over form) in my life. In my case I'm sure it's because
I had a huge appearance block for years (didn't want to look overtly sexy, dressed
fairly nunlike, etc.). When I got more comfortable with myself and letting it
show, it showed to great effect. I have recently tried some fun beauty things
(contacts, highlights, stylin' wear). If there's something you've always wanted
to try in the beauty and fashion realm, why not go for it now?