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Once upon a time there was this AWESOME site where the romantically challenged would not only find the advice they needed and read comics and watch animation, BUT ALSO could read hilariously snarky gossip, riveting interviews and trendy tips. Well, this sort of thing has a limited shelf-life ... but then we couldn't bring ourselves to DELETE it either. So it's still here on the server, for the adventurous and the nostalgic:

Gossip with Gregoire
Our celebrity-romance gossip columnist finds l’amour in glamour! Gregoire dishes out and on reports from his cadre of spies and his dutiful, sharp-eyed readers.

You & a Guest
BG readers want to know! Breakup Girl finds famous folks who are in the news and in the know, then lets you ask the hard-hitting questions about what they do (and with whom).

The SuperList
BG inventories the latest brainstorms and barnstormers, folks and factoids, gizmos and gladrags ... the latest in Y2K, anyway.

Goodies but Oldies
These interactive treats are now staler than the cookies they probably placed on your PC back in the Nineties: the original e-Postcards, BG Candy Heart GIFs, one-off 3D artwork of Breakup Girl (break out the anaglyph glasses!), and BG Make-a-Scene (pop-up).

Seasonal Content
This material may be updated when it comes back in season, but for now you can still enjoy the original designs that helped you through the holidays: A Very Breakup Girl X-Mas.


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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
© 2008 Just Friends Productions, Inc.
| privacy policy
Cool Aid!

Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
There is no such thing as "breaking up with someone without hurting their feelings."
Breakup Girl Sez

Site History
The Return
Team BG
BG The Book

Web BG.net

Hey Kids! Buy The Book!
Available at Amazon