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June 19, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Predicament of the Week
In which Breakup Girl addresses the situation that has, this week, brought her the most (a) amusement, (b) relief that it is happening to someone else, and/or (c) proof that she could not possibly be making this stuff up.

Dear Breakup Girl,

I like Hershell and he flirts with me. He asked me if I loved him (playfully). He can't greet or leave me without a big hug. He says I'm sweet. I bought a pizza where he works and he gave me "the lovers' discount." Is that just a friend? And if not -- how do I move Hershell along his path to amour?


Dear Lisa,

The "lovers' discount," huh? Well! It seems that either (a) you are more than just a friend, or (b) Hershell is showing his support for singles' rights by offering them discounts normally merited only by the coupled-up (e.g. tax breaks, etc.). In any case, he's certainly no Boise boy.

That said, the only other possibility -- and this one's a bit of a bummer -- is that (c) he's no more than ...just a flirt. I mean, he's reeeally good at it, which can take practice...which may or may not be a good sign. Either way, you could force the play by asking him out for a lovers' discount of your own ... maybe ice cream after work, your treat? His response will give you a better clue as to whether this pie's got sauce (fingers crossed!). But if, gulp, it seems not, then hold your head high and take your business to a joint with deeper dish.

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