Dear Breakup Girl,
A week ago I met a girl, I'll call her Cynthia, and we hit it off. We stayed
up an entire night talking to each other, and we had a lot in common, mostly
that we both had been royally screwed by the opposite sex on many occasions.
I asked Cynthia on a date and she accepted, but she called relentlessly, so
I made the hour trip to her house four days in a row. The first night we went
to the beach, talked, and had a great time. Same deal the second night. The
third night, I leaned in for a kiss, expecting an innocent peck on the lips,
and instead found Cynthia's tongue groping my mouth. She was all over me for
the next HOUR. I went back hesitantly the next night, and she was all over me
again. I'll not lie and say I didn't enjoy it, but the more I got to thinking
about it, the more uncomfortable it made me.
Now for the part that really complicates things. The reason Cynthia had
with men is because she has a slight eye disfigurement, and I'm sure you know
how superficial we are. I can't keep seeing her if she's all over me, but any
request to tell her to back off will be taken as "I got mine, now you're outta
here." Also, a lot of her friends are my friends, so I'll get the usual tongue
lashing (no pun intended) from them.
Currently I'm hiding from the phone in a panic wondering how to keep her as
a friend, possibly a girlfriend, and trying not to piss off the entire female
--In A Mess
Dear In a Mess,
Ooh, is it Shannen
Doherty? Her eyes are totally crooked.
Otherwise, In a Mess, what's really going on
1. If you really hit it off with and enjoy being with
her and the only thing bugging you is that you think other people will think
she's funny looking, then there's a choice here that you're going to have to
make (or a loss -- and a self-- that you're going to have to live
2. If you just want to take things slower, there are
certainly ways to suggest that -- "Wow, whoa, I got so carried away with
the beach and all, and I don't regret it. But I wonder if, if we're going to
pursue this thing, it might be wise to take some time to do some other stuff
first, without tongue" -- that say anything but "I got mine,
you're outta here."
3. If you want to keep dating her just to save face
and to prove ("prove") that she doesn't gross you out, don't. Not
to mention: the "her friends are my friends" thing is an excuse; this
is hardly the first instance of intra-posse dumpage. Treat her respectfully
no matter what you decide, and no matter what they say you can, knowing that
you did your not-infallible human best, turn the other cheek.
So which is it? I'm all ears.
Breakup Girl