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September 27, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I am 24 years old. My first proper relationship was with Ashley, who is 29 yrs old. He is everything I would look for in a bloke: he makes me laugh, I can be myself in front of him, the sex is out of this world...but we are like chalk and cheese.

I have a career; he has a criminal record. When I'm with him, I resent him for this but when we are apart, I miss him so much it really hurts. I haven't told anyone this as my friends despise him because they think he is scum. In my opinion, they are too posh and never look at the person for who they are, but what they are. My parents do not like Ashley as they think I can do better than him, but I've tried other blokes and no other bloke will ever touch me as closely. He has a prison record and is still dodgy, but I still dream about him and think he is the only bloke for me. Please help me; what do I do?


Dear Amanda,

Talk to your friends. Maybe they are too Posh, but maybe they think he's Scary for a reason. Most important, find out what they think he brings out in you. It's worth paying attention to their opinion. Because I know that finding someone -- the first someone -- who makes you laugh and dream feels as yummy and precious as the finest Wensleydale with pear and ginger. But is that how he treats you? Or treated? What's the deal with the "was"? And what's this "dodgy" business? Of course, the way you feel right now, no one else compares. So make sure you're looking at this relationship for who you are and can be. Hearing about someone sticking with any less-than-sporty bloke is, for Breakup Girl, fingernails on a chalkboard.

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