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August 9, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I don't need to break up, I need to pop the question. No, I don't want to marry anybody (I'm a straight male by the way), but there's a girl that was in my class, and she's been complimenting me, helped me find my yo-yo and she offered me a Sprite and stuff. I like her too, but I'm not sure if she's being nice; if she likes me, if I should tell her I like her, how, when, and all of that really complicated stuff. I just got out of school, and I have no way to contact her except through church (Christian School). And if she's just being kind, I don't want to make a fool out of myself, or make her feel bad if she doesn't LIIIIKE me. Please help me out. By the way, I've been trying to do this but I always get nervous, cramped, have gas, feel uncomfortable, have a loss of words, feel drawn back, etc, so I just hang with my friends, and I'm going to until I find out how to ask her. Thank you.

-- 2cool2live

Dear 2cool2live,

I so so so know that this whole thing seems and feels complicated, but the actual action to take is no more complicated than, well, finding your yo-yo.* My suggestion: don't ask her if she LIIIIKEs you; ask her if she likes ... bowling? Big animated robots? And if she'd like to go with you. Take it from there.

Oh, you will be very very nervous. Butterflies and bubbles in your tummy and all. But see, that's how you know you like her, not how come you should stay away. (But do stay away from the Sprite, just in case.)

Breakup Girl

* Am I the only gutterbrain who thinks that sounds dirty?



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