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May 10, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I can't believe it!! I was asked out for the first time! Not only just a date but a date to go to the prom! I thought I would never get asked out... I'm kinda shy, there has been a few guys I have liked in the past but they never asked me out and of course I would not either. I am 15 and the guy is a senior. My mom thinks it's great and I think she more excited than I am... but I think it's because I'm very nervous. Is it a good Idea to go to a Senior Prom with a senior when I have no background on dating. My mom has given me some advice... like just going as friends and have a good time. Again I'm shy and reserved... he seems more outgoing. He did ask me out to the movies two weeks before the prom, I had a good time but was very very nervous, he's asked me out again on Friday night, not sure what we are going to do. He works at a 4 star resturant that is very prestigious, this is where he is taking me to dinner before the prom. I'm impressed. I'm just concerned he won't ask me out after the prom and for that matter what his intentions are right after the prom. I have high standards and morals so Sex is not an option. But I really like him and I want him to have a good time at his prom... any suggestions, I just wish I knew him a little more before this Big Event! THANKS.


Dear Shy,

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [<-- rare girlish squeal. I am also jumping up and down.]

Girlie! How fun! Go ahead and worry and be scared and nervous and shy, but don't worry that you're scared and nervous and shy. OF COURSE you're scared and nervous and shy. It's your first Date, it's to Prom, it's with a Senior whom you don't really know that well and you're going to a Four Star Restaurant with lots of forks.


So kiddo, Mom's right. (Breakup Mom, in honor of yesterday, you can, just for today, cut and paste that wherever you want.) Just go. Have a good time. Endeavor to imagine that you'd be worth hanging out with regardless of whether or not you put out. As far as "background in dating" goes, lots of people who have lots of "background in dating" write to me, and yet they're .... writing to me. You will be fine and beautiful and just right. Clearly both Mom and Prom know that already. Daughter/Date should trust them. Have a ball.

Breakup Girl



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