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May 10, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I just had my Prom this weekend, and it has created a dilemma. First of all, I was in charge of planning and creating the prom, and our prom advisor is die-hard serious about it -- our theme was incredibly involved. We decorated for eight days straight (school days included) after school till midnight. Big time stress.

The guy I was dating for six months is amazing and perfect -- we have the greatest relationship in every way. Well, he felt that we don't have enough time for each other right now and he just couldn't stand not being able to be with me more, so we broke up the first night of Prom Decorating. I was very upset, but since I was so busy with Prom I didn't have time to get upset. Plus, we are still really involved with each other's lives -- it's like we slid right into being best friends.

We went to Prom together this weekend and it was perfect. We played footsie at dinner and he melted my heart when he whispered in my ear that I looked amazing while we were riding to the dance. He was King and I got to crown him and it was so cool to see the look on his face -- he never imagined he would win and it was such a great surprise for him. I was happy just knowing it would make him happy. All weekend we acted like a couple, and it made me realize that I still have so many feelings for him. I still want to make it work and I miss him so much.

I don't know whether to tell him this or not. From the way he acted this weekend, I feel like he still likes me "that way" too and there might be a chance. But what if it was just "the magic of Prom" thing? I think our breakup was a mistake because we were both really stressed at the time (him over his new job and me over planning Prom), but I don't want to ruin a potential friendship over this. Help!

-- Sarah

PS. Prom went great. Good food, good DJ. And he was an incredible date. So if I have nothing else, I have a happy memory to leave him with.

Dear Sarah,

Eight days, from after school to midnight? What was the theme, World Civilization from the Big Bang to the Present?

Wow. I'll bet you did a great job, in any case.

And here's what I think about your King, my pretty: his bailing may or may not be an inappropriate/unnecessary reaction to stress, or it may not. I really don't know. But if you're that good friends, then I dare say you won't ruin your current relationship by simply asking him nicely. Reopening the door a crack. Letting him know that, now that prom has prommed and his job's not longer new, you'd be up for trying again. So tell him this once (not, like, for eight days straight from after school 'til midnight). Then give him some time.

Either way, you're right about having that happy footsie melty reminiscinces as your crowning glory, no matter what. You may just be trying to stiff upper lip it right now, but I'm telling you, those special memories -- unlike crepe streamers -- last from the Present to Forever.

Breakup Girl



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