Dear Breakup Girl,
Just last night I went to the Valentine's Day dance with my boyfriend and
when we were slow dancing together he said he didn't want to go out with me
anymore, 'cause he didn't think it would be a good relationship. He said he
still liked me, but we didn't see each other enough! Then I found out that he
asked this other girl out that he went to the dance with. I have been really
depressed over this, 'cause I really love him, but he doesn't love me back. Do
you have any tips on how to deal?
-- Katie
Dear Katie --
Here's a tip for everyone: if you're going to break up
with someone, at least wait until the song's over.
As for you, Katie: bleeeeeaaah, I'm totally sorry.
Here's what you do: for the [tough] time being, try your best to avoid him --
and her -- at school. Not to be rude, just to protect your heart as you go
through your day. If you own the CD of the song you were dancing to, lend it to
a friend for a while. Do a little goodbye ritual where you drop his Valentine
(or did he give you one?) in the fish tank. And then start thinking about what
to wear / whom to take to the St. Patrick's Day dance. There isn't one? Form a
committee and start planning. You get to pick the music.
Breakup Girl