Dear Breakup Girl,
My boyfriend came down from school on Thursday for Valentine's Day weekend
(I live in DC). We had a wonderful weekend. He sizzled my heart with all kinds
of events. On V-Day itself he went back to school, as he had classes on Monday.
I managed to get his password to his answering machine. To my surprise there
were two females on his answering machine thanking him for the balloons he
sent. In anger and tears I drove 3 hours to Philly. He made up some bogus lie.
We've been together for seven years. I decided to break up with him...was my
idea a smart one?
-- Infinite Deep
Dear Infinite Deep,
Ugh! Balloons are not exactly going to be festive
items for you any more, are they?
If you're sure that the message wasn't from, you know,
his little cousins who just had their tonsils out, then no, it doesn't sound
like this relationship is going to stay the distance. I'm sorry. I'll spare you
the lecture about listening to his machine (just some key words: bad! wrong!).
But. Before you head out to find your next heart-sizzler, listen carefully to
your own messages. What -- besides, say, a telltale receipt from
"Words Fail You? Send Rubber! Inc." -- made you suspicious? Was he
giving you cause, or were you giving yourself a hard time? Not trusting him to
be faithful? Not trusting that you were worth being faithful to? It just might
be your own sense of love-worth that needs inflating right now.
Breakup Girl