Dear Breakup Girl,
I'm 17 and got dumped very suddenly by my boyfriend. This wouldn't be so bad
if it hadn't taken us 2 years of really liking each other but both being too
shy to say it, our friends eventually locked us in a room together until we got
it sorted out so we did. Now he's got a new girlfriend but I still like him. My
friends say he wasn't good enough for me in the first place but they are just
being nice. How do I get over him? What do I do? He was my second boyfriend --
is this just inexperience?
-- Kay
Dear Kay,
Having "experience" doesn't mean you get
more boyfriends per capita or have fewer breakups; on the contrary. It just
means that the room your friends lock you in has to be big enough for two sets
of baggage. There's nothing to do to get over him except to lock yourself in
your room -- for a relatively short while -- and let yourself feel bad.
Scribble, read dumb books, blast music, whatever. And then open the door. You
won't believe me right now, but there will be other boys to go out with. I
mean, go out on a date. Without the locked room part first.
Breakup Girl