Dear Breakup Girl,
I have an acne problem and I can't get a date. What should I do?
-- Stefanie
Dear Stef,
Oh, sweetie. You should do four things:
1. Brace yourself. At my age, you get acne and
gray hair.
2. Okay, don't panic. Breakup Girl just couldn't
resist that joke.
3. See a dermatologist. Maybe you're like, "Duh!", maybe you're not. It's
possible that you're traumatized enough that you haven't summoned the nerve to
up and ask. These days, there are many effective treatments these days that
kick Clearasil's butt: salycylic acid, Retin-A, antibiotics, the hormones in
oral contraceptives, and, in more extreme cases, accutane. A doctor will help
you figure out what might work. (New Yorkers, check it out, no hacky Dr. Zizmor
jokes in this whole paragraph.)
4. Remember that acne is only skin deep. I am not just
being perky; I am totally serious. One of the most popular boys I knew in
college had the exact same problem. Did you get that? "One of the most
popular boys in college!" He hid neither his bad skin nor his bad self
from the world. I don't know where he got the wherewithal, but he did. It is
possible. Sure, maybe it feels like it's hard for people to see past one's
face. Well: unhunch your shoulders, look them in the eye, and give them
something else to see. Good luck.
Breakup Girl