Dear Breakup Girl,
I try to get along with the opposite sex in my relationships, but once I say
no to situations or challenge the opposite sex, I get the B-word. Why does it
have to be like this?
-- Deborah
Dear Deborah,
Ah, yes. Just wait 'til you get a job! If you're not aggressive
enough, you "can't cut it;" if you're too aggressive, you're a B-word. Welcome
to the bitchen world of double standards.
"I like a gal who's not afraid to speak her mind...as long as she doesn't
scare me when she does!" It's totally B for Bothersome, but -- as long as you're
not, like, actually being a mean and rude person, which I doubt you are -- then
I'd just try to let it roll off your B for Back. Keep being your good-natured/badass
self, and someday soon, up will step a guy with his own set of...B. (And
I bet you'll be his...Beatrice.)
Breakup Girl
" Is there such a thing as saying how much you
feel too much?'"