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March 27, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

On a three-hour flight, I sat next to this adorable man. We talked the entire trip, and he seemed like a winner. When we landed, he gave me his card and I gave him my cell number. After a few days, we started e-mailing each other and have a lunch planned for next week. My problem is this: I was thrilled about him until his second e-mail to me. It was a cartoon that was sexual in content. I was disappointed because it showed lack of discretion and was a bit disrespectful. He doesn't really know me! Consequently, I lost my interest already. I indicated to him that that's not my style. He was understanding and seemed to be embarrassed. So, do I give him another chance and go ahead and meet him for lunch? Or does the joke tell me enough about his character to know he's not right for me?


Dear LH,

If you say you felt disrespected, I won't argue with you. And I'd say that in general, one should err on the side of not e-mailing sexual cartoons until you and yours are at least candidates for membership in the Mile-High Club, if you know what I mean.

Still, since you (thankfully) did not enclose the offending cartoon, it's hard for me to gauge your subjective judgment of its "sexual" nature against humans' judgment of their own nature -- especially the part where they declare themselves "bad at flirting." For all I know, he could have thought, "Oooh, I'm not sure what to say to that cute plane girl ... I'll let those little nekkid people say it." You know?

So I'd be inclined to grant one free lunch. Either you'll find that your instincts were right, or the best man will tell this one at the wedding.

Breakup Girl



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