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February 21, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

What should I do? My girlfriend's parents are being very difficult about us seeing each other lately. I am 21; she is 17. We have been dating for seven months. Everything has been going well, until now. They tell her that we can't see each other on the weekends, which is the only time we can see each other anyway, because I have to work during the week. They also tell her stuff like, "If I were him, I would have dumped you along time ago." So the question is, what should we do? Her parents and I have gotten along really wonderfully until now. I haven't done anything to anybody to cause the situation, and my girlfriend says she hasn't done anything either. We are very much in love and want to be able to see each other again. HELP!


Dear Timothy,

Can't say for sure what's going on with Mr. and Mrs. Hyde. Maybe somehow seven months crossed some "too 'serious' a relationship for our daughter" line and they freaked. Which still wouldn't explain or excuse that nasty comment your girlfriend reported. Yeesh. But given that you've all gotten along well until now, you do stand on fairly firm ground for a summit. Ask nicely whence the rule revision; negotiate nicely for a weekend pass (start with one day); show them, with all due respect, that you are you, and you're not dumping their daughter anytime soon.

Breakup Girl



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