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February 21, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

My boyfriend is seven years older than I am, and my parents disagree big time about my being with him! The problem is that I want to please my parents, but I've fallen deeply in love with him (as he has with me)! My family is going through some problems, and he seems to be the only person I can talk to! I really need him now!


Dear Meagan,

See my explanation to Katie, above, about how parents do age math when it comes to their kids' and the people who love them. But -- while I don't know exactly what's going on -- I understand that it might be harder to start the Language Arts part with your folks right now. Not that your boy doesn't seem like the biggest most important thing you've got right now, but let's look at the even slightly bigger picture. You do need someone to talk to, it seems, but no one should have only one of those someones. How/where are your friends? Is there some other grownup out there who gets it? Look to those folks to listen to you ... even as you try to strike some sort of deal (as I've outlined above) with your folks. This way, you'll have backup: maybe they'll let you see him as part of a group? Maybe that cool adult can help plead your case ... or even chauffeur? Whatever happens, it's a chance to open up some lines of communication with your folks. That should please everyone.

Breakup Girl



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