Dear Breakup Girl,
I met this guy on the road. We met again another night and he is the nicest
guy ever. We are separated by Christmas break right now and although Christmas
itself has already passed, he doesn't know any better. What should I get him
for Christmas? He likes antiques and loves to play the guitar. I have other
little things, but what can I get him that will catch his eye? I got him cologne
and boxer briefs, which he has been dying to try. What else can I get, though?
Please help, quick!
-- Melissa
Dear Melissa,
Whoa! Wait! Hold on! Listen carefully to this IMPORTANT
BREAKUP GIRL SHOPPING TIP: "Cologne and boxer briefs are enough."
Hey, you two have met twice. I know it's so easy and fun to get all wrapped
up in gifts to God's Gifts, but please: see what kind of presence this road
boy will leave under your tree before you flash the gold card again. And if
you ask me, you should save the Louis XV-style French walnut armoire and the
Fender Stratocaster for someone who does know better.
Breakup Girl