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November 15, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

Okay, so tell me how lame this is. There is this guy in my Ceramics class who is very talented. We always joke around in class and he makes lots of nice stuff for me. We got to talking one day, and he told me where he works. I now go by his work quite often and see him. His face lights up when he sees me, and he always gives me a great big hug. We've talked about going out, and I've given him my phone number. He never calls, and when I see him in class he always has an excuse for why he didn't call, like I washed your phone number in my jeans. Yeah, right.

What is his deal? Is he interested or not? We aren't young teenagers or anything; I am 31; he is 29. HELP! I don't want to have to ask him out. Does he just like to flirt? Or just wants to be friends? Any ideas?


Dear Amy,

Very. He does do laundry, which is always nice, but still. I know it keeps looking like something might take shape, but by now -- especially since I'm sure he knows you're up for something -- his interest seems pretty half-baked. My eyes glaze over just thinking about your pursuing someone past the point of ... a point. Something tells me you two are not going to wind up doing the pottery-wheel scene from Ghost. I'm truly, truly sorry. Try flower-arranging?

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