Breakup Girl's alter ego is going to have to start dressing for work ... for
two reasons. The first is here, in case
you've not heard. Who-hoo! The second is, well, there too. Meaning that
this new office/studio is located right smack upstairs from the Chelsea
Market, a "Chowder and pumpkins and bread, oh my!" paradise that
makes going to work like getting through that tunnel in The Princess Bride,
only yummy.
What's the food-based fashion crisis? For one thing, let's hope that elastic
waistbands are on their way back into style. But more important, aren't markets
supposed to be where you meet people? MEETmeet people? See, this presents an
important opportunity, due to the only mediocre power of the other two
singles meccas: (1) weddings: perhaps more ignominious than relegation to the
Singles Table is the fact that there no longer remain enough singles to fill
same; and (2) laundromats: when one's fortunate enough to have a washer and
dryer, doing one's wash "out" could be considered "trying too
hard." Of course, given the prevalence of corner bodegas, delivery, and
diets, it's not clear that anyone in NYC actually shops for food in the first
place. But still. Gotta look sharp; to market, to market. Awww, yeeaaah.

Dear Breakup Girl,
I am 16 and an assistant manager at a local grocery store. There is this
girl that I really like. She is a new cashier and 14 years old. I am her boss.
I have talked to her a couple times, and I really like her. I don't know if
she likes me. I am a sweet and nice guy -- or so my girls that are friends say
-- and I don't want to compromise anything at work by asking her out to dinner
or the movies and getting rejected. I am scared that she will say no.We live
in different towns and don't go to the same school. Please help! I don't want
to be rejected.
Dear Bill,
Attention, grocery shoppers! Sometimes you might think
that no one likes you, when really someone does and is just afraid -- so far
-- to say so.
And attention, Bill: fearing rejection is so totally
normal. Heck, I wouldn't want you to date anyone who didn't give you
that fluttery feeling. Plus I understand that you've got butterflies in bulk
since you've got to face each other across that scanner no matter what happens.
Now I'll even toss in a few more: remember that you're
her boss. I can't picture you coming across as if you're pressuring her, but
do be mindful of the fact that she might be all, "Wow, jobs in this town
are hard to get. I can't get in the habit of saying no to my boss, about
... ". So, as if you didn't feel awkward enough already, you might want
to follow up your invite with a hasty: "I want to let you know that --
as far as your job is concerned -- whatever you say is totally fine
by me." And then act that way no matter what she says. You're the boss:
be ultra-professional on the job all the time. Thing about risks is, you
can't get rejected -- or promoted -- without taking them.
Breakup Girl