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September 13, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I've been seeing two guys strictly as friends for approximately a year. Both of these men are wonderful people. However, recently, I have been spending more time with Man One. In addition, I am ready to be in a committed relationship while Man One is not. This is really when Man Two comes into play. Man Two is ready for all that I am ready for, and he wants me. Should I try to pursue Man One who is not ready for me and wants me to wait for him to get his act together? Or should I follow suit with Man Two who is together? Keep in mind that both of these men are absolutely wonderful people and would both be great in relationships. After college, Man One will be very stable and on the road to success. Man Two will be attending Med school in Fall of 2000. Both of these men are extremely intelligent and exactly what I am looking for in the future to match my hopes of success. I really don't know what to do. Should I be humble and wait or go for the goal of an opportunity? I enjoy, as well as get along with, each of them. I suppose the one reason why I am so anxious to make a decision is because the next person I want to be intimate with has to care about me more than I care about them. (Just a figure. I mean I don't want to be the only one who's giving 100%. They should be too, if they really care.) Please help me.

--Dazed and Confused

Dear Dazed and Confused,

Actually, no, you're ready to be in a committed resume. Let All Men wait until you get your act together and discover that only you can match your hopes of success.

Breakup Girl



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