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August 30, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


By the way, this e-mail was recently forwarded to me (only one degree of separation before that; not a Neiman Marcus cookie) by Breakup Dog's Mommy, who wrote the nice lady a check.

"Many of you may be aware that I have been actively involved in Anatolian Shepherds for the past 18 years. My interest has taken me to Turkey twice to obtain dogs, and a third time to work at a Veterinary Clinic for street animals in Istanbul during July of 1997. The people sponsoring the clinic just called me. The post-earthquake situation in the villages between the cities of Istanbul and Izmit is far worse than can be imagined. The Turkish government has acknowledged that over 40,000 people are thought to have perished. And that leads to my request. Thousands of stray dogs and cats are now roaming the urban and rural areas hit by the earthquake. Most of them have deceased owners, and some are simply lost in the rubble and chaos. They are starving to death. The group with whom I worked is seeking funds to purchase food for the strays. All work is done on a volunteer basis, so there are NO overhead costs. The woman that is collecting the funds is a Canadian living in Turkey. Her husband is the head of Abbott Laboratories in Turkey, and is working around the clock to secure aid for the human victims. These are honest people. Donations of any amount would be greatly appreciated. They can be sent to: Paula Pelletier, Villa #7, Tarabya Evleri, Ustay Evleri, Istanbul Thank you very much, Mary McD."



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