Dear Breakup Girl,
I'm a 21 year old single female student. I only have two good friends but
because I'm a bit solitary I'm quite happy with my social life as it is now.
Except... My roommate has a boyfriend. He's a great guy (not my type at all,
though) and I definitely don't mind at all him hanging around in our apartment.
But when he's here and he and my roommate do stuff like watch TV snuggling
together and hold hands etc. I always begin to feel a little lonely. And when
they go to her room to be in private I feel a lot lonely.
I don't mind being single except when I see these two being so happy. I
don't want to (or can't for that matter) tell my roommate not to bring the
boyfriend here. And I really feel that I shouldn't start seeing someone just to
because of this. Maybe I should just hire someone to come and hold my hand
whenever my roommates' boyfriend is here, so that I won't feel too single.
Unfortunately I'm on a student's budget so I guess that's out of question...
So, what can I do? Please help, this situation isn't going away and it's
beginning to disturb me a bit too much.
-- Laa Laa
Dear Laa Laa,
Yeah, eeuw. You have the Cute Couple in the Park
thing, in your home. And about the hiring thing, yeah, don't think people don't
do that all the time, in one form or another. But you know what? If you think
about it, when you do start seeing someone, it will be "because of
this." In the sense that we all crave that kind of human companionship,
whether or not we have Tinky Winky and Po snuggling on the couch to remind us.
We all want to know we can count on someone to swing by and hold our hand.
Which is thus completely okay. So maybe the thing is for you to get out even
just a bit more, even with just those two good friends. Coming in from
somewhere fun to see her bedroom door close is slightly less harsher than
sitting alone in your bedroom watching her bedroom door close. And in the
bigger picture, well, you don't mind him hanging around your apartment, but I
mind you hanging around your apartment. It's just that it's not the best place
to hire -- I mean, meet, your handholder.
Breakup Girl