Dear Breakup Girl,
This is probably just straight-forward displacement anxiety -- you know,
obsessing about a boy when I'm unhappy at work or something, but: Lately I've
been obsessing about a prof I knew in college. (Not mine.) He told me I was too
young for him then, and I was. It's been 7 years since we last spoke. I'm
older. I just saw his book on Amazon.com, and I'm reading it. My head is
suddenly full of fantasies about contacting him and, well, starting something,
regardless of the fact he lives in another state (I got his address off the
net. Like I said, I'm obsessed.) The thing is, after 7 years, he could be
married. He dedicated the book to a female name. Or he could think I'm still
too young for him. Or I could humiliate myself by saying something stupid.
Should I contact him?
-- 28-Up
Dear 28-Up,
Oh, all right. You are allowed one (1) discreet
missive. Nothing X-rated. I see that, cast in a nice pink soft light, this
could be the story of a love that followed a twisted path to its "meant to
be" time and place.
Or it could be the story of a gal who better watch her
step -- what were you doing spilling to him back in college in the first place,
huh? -- and do the math. You're both older. I realize that the gap
narrows as you grow, but still.
So be prepared. He may indeed be dedicated/ing to
Someone Else. But it might not be a bad thing, "closure"-wise, for
you to get an, um, college rejection letter in the first place. Reality check?
Obsession-deflater? Let's hope, in this latter even, those would serve as a
silver lining. Because, well, don't think I didn't notice how deftly you
displaced the question about "displacement." If you are that
"obsessed," what is [not] going on in the rest of your life?
Dedicate your bad self to that.
Breakup Girl