Dear Breakup Girl,
I have been accused by friends and exes of having a "fear of
intimacy." I do not think this is true. I do have an immense need for
personal space and alone-time, but there have been a few (and far between)
people whose company I've enjoyed in larger doses. At what point does
"enjoying solitude" become "fear of intimacy"?
-- The Hermitess
Dear Hermitess,
Oh, for goodness' sake. At some level, "fear of
intimacy" is like "need for food and water." We all have it.
Even those turbo-sharing People Who Spill Too Much (who secretly know that this
so-called intimacy is actually -- phew! -- driving folks away). Just like
"insecurity," "commitment-phobia," and all those other
selfhelpalicious pronoucements. What-EVER. Human freaking condition. Yes, some
people are better than others at overriding it. But "fear of
intimacy" (along with all those other vigilante diagnoses) is also what
people conclude when certain other conclusions ("fear of ... Me"
!?!?) are a bit too personal. So if you can look me in the eye and say not only
that you treasure your solitude, but also that its presence makes your choices
about who gets to invade it much more clear and precious, then you've got
nothing to worry about.
Breakup Girl