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April 12, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

First off I want to say how much I enjoy your whole website, especially the advice column, seeing as how I get in a lot of love-related predicaments! I visit here EVERY Monday after school to check for the new advice (that is, when I'm not grounded)! Since you give such great advice, I thought I'd write and tell you my small problem.

I'm 15, and I DON'T have a lot of boyfriends. Maybe like 1 or 2 in the past year (Notice I didn't say DATE, people in my school don't date, they just get boyfriends.). I used to think maybe this was because I wasn't pretty enough, popular enough, athletic enough, etc. Now I realize it's because there AREN'T ANY GUYS AT MY SCHOOL!!! I mean, there are SOME guys, but they're all either taken, immature, or happily single. I scanned the yearbook yesterday looking at the guys and I realized that there is not ONE of them that I would want to have a relationship with. I want to know if you know any suggestions for where to meet new guys? If you could help then I would really appreciate it!

-- Red Sugar

Dear Red,

Well, I'm glad you realize the problem may lie in the realm of supply of boys, not demand of you. Thing is, not knowing where you live -- in terms of culture, not longitude/latitude -- I can't give you suggestions as specific as I'd like to. I can't be all, "I know, go deep-sea fishing!" only to find out you live in Idaho. See? That said, kiddo, you actually do know better than I do. Let's see, how did I used to meet non-school people (boyfriends or otherwise) pre-graduation, pre-superpowers? Skating lessons at the recreation center. Swimming, too. Camps, even winter ones. Friends of friends whom I'd gone to grade school with but then split up in junior high. The temple youth group.Volunteer projects with other families who brought kids. Community theater. Does any of that sound like your scene? Hope so, 'cause they're all good things to do, bonus boy or no bonus boy. And try bargaining with your folks: Heck, maybe you could do community service instead of being grounded.

Breakup Girl

PS Thanks for the compliments.



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