Dear Breakup Girl,
I've been with a guy for over 19 months. He is so irresponsible -- he has
worked only 3 months of the 19. I'm trying to get him back on his feet. I'm
being nice because he moved across the country to be with me. But I'm tired of
paying his bills and mine. I want him gone, but help me -- I wanna be nice
about this.
-- Lynn
Dear Lynn,
Hmm. Maybe he does have some quid pro moi going
on in his mind: "I pay the one-time financial and spiritual cost of
moving, she pays ... everything else." It's Good to be Nice, yes, but by
doing him these favors -- for over a year! -- you are not doing him any favors.
I'll bet you he's not exactly saying "Yay, me!" either about not
working. And paying his Sega bill -- "for one last time" -- is not
helping: his self-determination, your well-being, or the
See, duh, "it's not about the money." It's
not that much of a leap to think that if Mr. Potato is not doing much work at
the office, then he's not doing much work at the relationship. And you are
equally busted for doing/allowing/enabling too much. Seems like you've worked
less than the other 16 months at establishing/demanding Objectively Fair deals
and deadlines. "Nice," maybe. But was this plan to "get him back
on his feet" (from their place on the footrest) really ... a retainer? As
in, you no pay, he no stay?
So. You don't owe him anything except
common-denominator kindness, respect, and civility. You owe yourself much
Breakup Girl