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January 18, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have a crush on this guy who works at the bread shop down the road from me. I have only spoken to him once -- about what bread I should get. Normal chit-chat at the bread shop. Well, I would love to do something with him -- he looks about my age, but could easily be 20 and I'm only 17. I have no problems with 20 year old guys, that's fine -- it's just, will he? Yet how do I pull off asking him out? I was thinking I could go in there with a piece of paper with my details, buy some bread and when I give him the money I give him the details, and let it be up to him to ring. Should I go for it or not? Are there any other ways I could ask him...I'd rather not ask face to face -- it's usually quite busy down at this bread shop.

-- Jess

Dear Jess,

Hellloooo, baker! Boys and bread, yum. Are you totally having this little fantasy like the pottery wheel scene in Ghost, only with, like, dough and flour?

Anyway, here's the thing. You've only talked to him once, right? I think it's too soon to, like, bake your calling card into a loaf of rye. Just go flirt. Ask him his name. Tell him yours. Drop by every few days, depending on your actual bread needs (no fair making up stuff about how "the little dears at the orphanage need their fresh buns twice a day"). Enjoy it. I mean, how fun! Don't short cut through the buildup -- and even if it's not a buildup, who cares? You bat your eyelashes, buy some baguettes, everyone's happy. And one day, sure, if you've got the gumption, go in at a quieter time of day and just ask him if he'd like to go out to some carb-free location with you at some point. Arguably, a surprise ambush stunt involving props such as notes can be even more akward than just a casual inquiry. He says yes, lovely. He says no -- rats! -- well, the cheese may stand alone for a few days. But hey, you tried -- and kneading is therapeutic.

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