
Dear Breakup Girl,
I have been dating Danielle for about two months now, and I have grown very
attached to her. The problem that I have started after our 4th date... She told
me that she is in an open relationship with David (who told her back at
Christmas time after a year and a half that he wanted to see other people, and
wanted her to do the same. Shortly after we started dating David decided that
he wanted Danielle back, and she told me about this, and that she wanted to
continue the relationship with him TOO. At this point I took two days to decide
if I want to get into this situation; the reason that I decided to continue is
that Danielle interested me like no other woman that I have ever dated
In the last two months I have met several of her friends (who all agree that
he should ditch him for me) with whom I get along great; in fact her friend
Kristy apologized to me for ever getting the two of them together two years
ago. Danielle currently complains that all the two of them do is argue.
Today I find out that, yesterday when she was at his house talking to him,
he told her to pick between him and me, and she said "Chris" (me) and
he told her to get out of his house, she was apparently ready to walk out the
door, when she decided to continue talking with him.
A friend of Danielle's has been telling me that I should ask Danielle to
choose! The main reason that I haven't done this is because I don't want
Danielle to say "I choose David." I'd be crushed; on the other hand,
if she chose me, I wouldn't have to continue biting my lip every time his name
is mentioned.
I was currently planning on telling Danielle something like "this open
relationship between David and me is not working out for me, I don't want to
continue sharing your attention with him; I just don't feel that we can
continue a healthy relationship under these circumstances."
Any advice? I just don't know what to do.
-- Caught in the Middle
Dear Caught,
Yes, you do.
Breakup Girl