
Dear Breakup Girl,
I'm single, affectionate, smart, 25, employed (web designer), the whole nine
that in theory should be dripping in women. The first part of my lunacy today
is an ex I broke up with about a year ago, who I am beginning to think I cared
for more than I wanted to admit. I broke up with her because she was nagging me
and making me drive to her (LA to North Hollywood) but would never come to my
house (she claimed I live in a bad neighborhood). I found out after the breakup
that she had been cheating on me (which was stunning, in that I was at her
house with her at least 5 nights a week). A year after we met, before the
cheating info and after the breakup, I left a rose with no petals, an order of
albacore sushi (her favorite) and a bittersweet poem on her doorstep. She
claimed she didn't understand it, we stopped talking at all. It troubled
Yet I wake up most mornings thinking about her. I go to sleep imagining us
cuddled up together. A year afterwards. I have dated and dealt with
other people, I am actively pursuing someone very unlike her now ... why can I
not stop thinking about this self absorbed butterscotch bundle of infidelity?
My friends almost puke every time I mention her name and hosted a celebration
when I broke up with her. It's insane.
Part 2 -- I broke up with this older woman because she was conniving and
hatched an elaborate plot over $5. She continued to call for ... er,
"visits" off and on for months, and has recently halfheartedly tried
to pursue me seriously again. Remember I said my friends hate the first girl?
It's practically a jihad against this one, well known to leave 4-10
messages/day on my machine when she's twitchy. On top of all that she has bad
breath! Yet I haven't told her to bugger off. Is it just physical? I feel so
shallow just thinking that may be it.
-- Bad Karma
Dear BK,
Lunacy, Part 1: You can't stop thinking about
Butterscotch Bundle because you did not get to have the last word. You tried,
but as you said, she didn't really even get the sushi-gram (so L.A.!), and
plus, that all happened before you got the cheating memo. That is
what is driving you nuts. And fair enough.
Lunacy, Part 2: If it is just physical with
Halitosa McCoy, you are hardly the first person to go there. (In the world, I
mean; I don't know about her past.) Get off your own case. And off the phone
with her.
I don't think you're insane; I think somehow you're
getting some mileage with your buds by being The Guy with Heinous Girlfriends.
It's always good for a laugh, I'm sure, and also for ... avoiding commitment.
I'm just saying.
Breakup Girl