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March 9, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have been played in each and every one of my past five relationships. Now I have hooked up with this girl who seems nice, but I think that it is too good to be true. I want everything to go well but with my luck with relationships it will bomb. How can I be sure that she won't play me like all the rest? Please get back to me.

-- Been Played

Dear Played,

You can't be sure she won't play you "like all the rest." In fact, she definitely will. Because that's the way you look at relationships.

Listen up. In a strictly statistical sense (and in a world where people get married only once), all relationships but one come to an end. So what you are experiencing, Played, is life. What you are doing to make sense of it all -- which is what humans do -- is calling it "my luck with relationships."

Look, people want more than anything in the whole world to be right, right? (Why do you think I write an advice column?) Anyway, you've issued the statement "I Am A Person Who Gets Played In Relationships." And so, in each relationship you get into -- whatever its demise -- you say to yourself, "There you go. I got played." Why? Because you (like any normal human) have to be right about the fact that you get played in relationships. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what to do or , frankly, who you are. And otherwise, you'd have to take a little responsibility instead of blaming "all the rest." See what I mean ?

So how about issuing this statement: "I Am A Person Who Does His Best to Make Relationships Work." Now get in there and have a girlfriend instead of sitting around being a bullseye for the bomb.

Breakup Girl



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