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March 2, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Predicament of the Week
In which Breakup Girl addresses the situation that has, this week, brought her the most (a) amusement, (b) relief that it is happening to someone else, and/or (c) proof that she could not possibly be making this stuff up.

Dear Breakup Girl,

I'm in a very complicated situation here... A guy friend and two girl friends of mine are in this love-rectangle, if you can call it that. Girl-friend-A thinks Guy-friend likes her, Guy-friend likes Girl-friend-B, and sadly, I like Guy-friend. Girl-friend-B doesn't know that Guy-friend likes her (at least I didn't tell her), but Girl-friend-A does now... and she doesn't hang out with us anymore... since she's been telling everyone that she think Guy-friend likes her... I personally can't stand him talking about Girl-friend-B to me, thinking that I can help him out... and since Girl-friend-A doesn't hang out with us anymore, I have become the unspoken third wheel. On top of that, Girl-friend-B told me that she'll never go out with Guy-friend, because she thinks of him as a brother, and she also likes someone else. I know that she might just be saying that to shoot down the topic, that she still might go out with him... but the way she's flirting with the other guy makes it very believable that she won't go out with him.

The four of us were the best of friends before all of this has happened. And now I'm dreading the future, when he tells her he loves her. What should I do? And should I stop hanging out with Guy-friend and Girl-friend-B? Just because of this? I don't want to lose this friendship. But I want to spare my own feelings. Should I tell her that he likes her? Should I tell him that she doesn't like him? Should I keep my big mouth shut, not hang out with them, and find new friends? But they're one in a million. But it kills me just by being with them. Seeing the way he looks at her...Why does love always get in the way?

-- Titi

Dear Titi,
Please resubmit in
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