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November 6, 2000 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need

Good Dog!
Good Grief

Most of you are familiar with the acronym vernacular of the personals. You know, SWF, GBM, "SOS!" etc. Well, I vote we add a new essential indicator of an essential -- for BG -- quality: DP. You know, Dog Person.* Not just someone who remembers enjoying Benji. Not just someone who'll wait patiently while I stop and pat, or at least nod hello to, every passing canine. Someone who knows what dogs are thinking and hears what they're saying and tells other Dog People about random dogs they saw around town, just 'cause. Someone like our own Friday, who's a volunteer foster mom/weekend walker for organizations you can find here, or like our own Kim, who visits the site just to scope. (All, of course, without being a big spaz.) I'm not saying non-Dog People are bad people; I'd just rather not...interbreed.

It is thus with a heavy, heavy heart that BG officially notes the recent passing of our beloved Breakup Dog. The Breakup Pack -- Mom, Dad, Girl, and Dog -- gathered at home for one last time as we chose to prevent the suffering that would inevitably have accompanied her recently diagnosed terminal illness. Painless and at peace, she -- a white shepherd with tundra wolf ancestry -- looked as beautiful and noble in death as she had been for her nearly thirteen years of life. We buried her behind the house with her favorite squeaky toy and a copy of an apt and beautiful prayer written for her by a Native American shaman who works with wolves. It is comforting to all of us that she is now free of pain and will always be in her yard.**

It is thus that I also ask your indulgence. It's been...a very rough week. This will be...a very short column (don't worry -- there are still new Mini-Pearls and all the other regular column features). As you thereby grant me the opportunity to mourn, I will give you back some brief thoughts on grieving, BG-style, and also remind you of the difference pets can make in our lives (and, er, about how pets can make clear our differences).

*What are your "requirements?" Post them here!
** This just in from Breakup Mom: Several people have asked us if they could make a donation in BD's honor. We gratefully said that any wildlife organization would do, but the wolf center we have long supported is the Wolf Education & Research Center. Even just clicking over there to learn more would be a contribution.

Into Pain


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