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September 18, 2000 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need

Homecoming's Coming!

You guys work fast! I've hardly had time to make book covers out of paper bags, and you're already juggling Homecoming dates. Guess I better hop to.

Bottom line: most of the Rules of Prom (and Prom Night II and III) apply, except ladies, you might want to throw on some sort of pashmina. And guess what!? In college, Homecoming's an even bigger deal!

Speaking of which, for those of you going to fall reunions (not this kind), really the main rule is to try not to do this.

By the way, I just got asked to help plan my, er, 11th annual 5th high school reunion. You do the math. I gotta do your letters.

Note: Oh my! I just realized that this column, much like Breakup High, is all girls (hence no Homecoming, so I live through you guys). Total accident. Next week there will be plenty of boys to go around (much as there are in your school, still. Promise.)

Homecoming Hell: Torn Between Friend and Crush!


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