Dear Breakup Girl,
I was the Predicament of the
Week a while back, wondering if "everyone really thinks my boyfriend
looks like a big, green, hairy monster and I just don't know it?" Well,
I'm on the verge of having another boyfriend. I have one simple question. If
you meet someone through the 'net, is it so wrong to say that you met at school
or work or something, just because you're kind of embarrassed by the fact that
you met him on the 'net?
-- Anonymous Net Girl
Dear ANG,
Women on the verge of a 'net boyfriend!
Listen carefully. Men too. I've said it before,
I'll say it again: if you meet someone spiffy online and then worry about what
others will think, well, what they will think is, "Gotta try that!"
The more you don't disclose, the more you don't contribute to deleting the still-attached
stigma...for others and yourself! Plus, you'll get busted anyway. Be proud of
your find on the e-boy auction, and who knows, maybe one day I'll start getting
letters asking, "Is it so wrong to say you met on the Internet, just because
you're kind of embarrassed that you met in real life?"
Breakup Girl
"What does he see in me through the paparazzi's glare?"