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July 24, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Shoutouts for Steve, continued...

For Steve from Korky (budding-slaphead-and-proud):

Yeah, there are women who don't like bald men, just as there are guys who don't like gals with short hair. Then there are those for whom it's just so not an issue, and who are cool about it. Which would you rather have? More importantly, however, what (if I may generalize hideously) "they" like much more, is someone who is at ease and comfortable with themselves. Basically, it's all about confidence in ones' self. Having the cojones to quote the great philosopher E. Cartman, and say "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home," and do it your own way. If this means surgery, so be it, but I don't think it'll work. I don't think you can physically alter an emotional problem. Personally, I'm not convinced that appeasing one's personal vanity is as good as being happy with yourself. Plus, it's waaaay cheaper! If you can laugh at yourself, then it becomes a non-issue, or even a plus. Besides, all my Trek-watching girl friends agree that the sexiest bloke on there is Patrick Stewart. Make it so!

To Steve from Angela:

Oh my God! Steve, I have loved men with receeding hairlines and men who are bald since I was about 15. I am 31 now. I can remember the first time I noticed how attractive it made a guy. The fact of the matter is, me and many, MANY of my women friends find baldness and receeding hair lines extremely sexy. Yes, sexy.

In fact, whenever I have met men through the personals I tell them in advance how attractive I find it. So, when I do see them and they have less than most, they know I didn't say it just for their benefit. I applaud men who are losing their hair and have shaved their heads instead of going for the comb-over. You've made an obviously better choice. No matter what the reasons are for your baldness any woman worth having won't care about it in the least. Plus, she may ask to you rub it all over her body! I often approach bald men and ask permission to touch their heads. I've never been turned down and they all say that women love to do that. I hope this helps.

To Steve from Lori:

Please do not worry about the state of your hair line! There are many bald/ing men whom we -- my girlffriends and I -- find most attractive. It has never crossed our minds not to date a man due to his lack of hair. However, I will tell you that we would not date a balding man trying to hide the fact he's bald. So...here's some advice: no comb-overs, no toupees, wigs or other attachments. And don't bother with the surgery either. Most people can tell immediately which usually means it doesn't look very natural (see the mayor of my city -- Toronto -- for a perfect example of that!) None of those "long at the sides and back" hairdos either. Keep it short and keep it natural. Self-confidence, a great smile and good conversation, in other words what's IN your head, are much more important than what is ON your head.

MORE Shoutouts for Steve...



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