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July 17, 2000 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need

Those Three Littler Words:
Should You Declare Your LIKElike?

As far as I'm concerned these days, yes. No matter what. Because for all you know, your intended could be about to get on a swordfish boat in Gloucester and there couldbeahurricaneANDYOUJUSTNEVERKNOWWHEN -- okay, okay, that movie kinda got to me.

Still, there's always room to revisit The Guy at the End of the Bar, who doesn't want you to wind up drowning your regrets like he has. Now, it's not that you're honor-bound to spill your guts onto an already slippery deck (see Jack and Looking for Sanity). But complications themselves needn't be deterrents: hey, as TGATEOTB would say, if it's not worth putting on your waders and getting muddy, it can't be love. (Do make sure it is worth it, though; we are not talking about just seeing if you can get with someone you, truthfully, could take or leave. Like this. That's poaching, which you can't even do with someone else's lobsters.)

The following letters should help you chart your course...



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