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April 10, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Predicament of the Week
In which Breakup Girl addresses the situation that has, this week, brought her the most (a) amusement, (b) relief that it is happening to someone else, and/or (c) proof that she could not possibly be making this stuff up.

Dear Breakup Girl,

I haven't written to you in awhile, because for five months or so, I have been happily in love with a great guy! There are no major problems in the relationship, but there is a question that I need answered:

My birthday was last week. I had a surprise birthday party given to me by my guy, my parents, and my friends. My guy waited until after the party to give me his present. I was thinking, "Ooh, it's something good that he feels embarrassed to give me in front of my family!" (i.e.: jewelry) But, alas, when I opened the box I found ... a neon orange shirt. Now, I'm not a member of the Fashion Police or anything, but ... a NEON ORANGE SHIRT?! Apparently his mother told him that orange was the "in" color this season. Maybe so, but I'm guessing not NEON orange. So, what's common courtesy to use here? I would feel horrible taking it back but ... would it be nice of me to actually wear it? What do I do with it?

-- Katie

Dear Katie,

Yes, orange is definitely in. ["But does it have to be 'in' your hair?" -- Breakup Mom] In any case, I will have you know that when I was in Breakup High, a special boy gave me a special gift that his mother had no doubt "helped with:" a little gold(-style) chain with a pendant in the shape of "#1."


And guess what. I wore it. Remember, some people can make their tongue into that clover shape, some people can't. Some people can buy perfect gifts, some people ... you see what I mean. So if you promise me that this alleged bad fashion call (or, more to the point, bad call about your taste) is not a thoughtless "Who cares what whats-her-name wants, this was in the dumpster and it looks clean" choice, but in fact a random well-meant fluke -- from a "great" guy who poses "no major problems" and who helped plan your surprise party -- I'll give you the same suck-it-up advice. Sounds to me like he tried; sounds to me like you should, too. So: wear it. Maybe not to prom, but maybe once or twice. Maybe when you rent movies at home? And if you do go out, at least you'll be safe.

Breakup Girl



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