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March 13, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

My boyfriend and I just celebrated our two-year anniversary last month. I think that we have a good relationship, but the lines of communication are slowly closing up on us. He's been really weird now for about a week, just silent and kind of sulky. After asking if anything is wrong, I get the same response, "No." Last night, after a great dinner together, we ran into one of his coworkers. The coworker starts talking about another coworker of theirs and how great her body is. My boyfriend agreed, in front of me! I am usually pretty comfortable with my body. I know I'm not a supermodel or anything, but did he have to agree about how nice her body is? Of course, I was mildly ticked about that. His response to me was, "That should be the least of your problems." After asking him what I should be concerned about, he kind of just laughed it off. Now he won't even talk to me. I don't get it. Sometimes he has a hard day at work which I understand (we all do), but he won't talk about it, and he just sits there like a sulky child. Since he won't tell me what's wrong, I have to wonder if it's me or not. What do I do to get him talking?


Dear Inger,

When your boyfriend dismisses a minor-but-valid complaint by saying "That should be the least of your problems," then he's right. What's wrong, sweetie, is not whatever he's not talking about, it's the fact that he's -- you're -- not talking about it. And that you're getting convinced that it's your fault. Don't keep poking his shoulder and asking him what's wrong; tell him what you expect. Meanwhile, did that coworker miss the memo on manners?

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