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March 6, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I've known the guy I'm with all of my life. We grew up together and have always been there for each other. I really felt connected to him. One of our friends said that we would make a good couple, and I always thought the same thing. Just recently, we got together, and things were wonderful ... at least until about a month ago. I was blessed to be cast as the lead of our school play. In the play, I must kiss the guy lead three times. As soon as my boyfriend found out about that, he got all jealous and now we fight about it constantly. Here's the real kicker, though. I think I might possibly be starting to like this guy that is playing the lead. Last year, we went to prom together, but I figured that his sister set us up. That's what I was informed anyway. Now that the play has begun, he always smiles at me and gives me these looks, you know what I mean? I don't know what to do. I love my boyfriend a lot, but lately, I can't fight these feelings that I'm having. Please tell me what to do. I'm so confused.


Dear April,

Oopsie, well, see … here's an example of where the Jealous Person may actually be onto something. Normally I'd say that your boyfriend just has to suck it up and deal, that plenty of show-biz marriages have failed for reasons other than jealousy over stage/screen smooching. But you do have feelings, and feelings – practically by definition – can't be fought.

Still, April, here's the thing about plays. We all get caught up in and swept away in the drama of plays that we're watching -- and that's even more true for plays that we're not just at, but in, You're working intensely in a tight-knit group, being asked to show -- if not feel -- love for your lead, to take the kiss scene again and again … surely going through the motions can trigger certain emotions. And "eeeee!" hormones.

So definitely don't make any moves until the curtain falls, Then: if the sparks and "looks" – but not the kisses, I hope – do continue off stage, it might be time for the scene where the heroine has to make a tough decision.

Breakup Girl



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