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January 17, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I've been seeing my fiancée for about five years now, and I love her to death! I am so very happy with our relationship...except for one thing. She has really beautiful brown hair, and I really do like it, but I am a nut for red hair. Every time I catch a glimpse of those gorgeous fiery locks, my heart skips a beat. I've asked if she would try dyeing her hair in the past, but she says no. She thinks it will ruin her hair, and she says I should love her for who she is. The thing is, I do! It doesn't have anything to do with love, or the lack thereof. I don't want to make her feel inadequate in any way or make her feel that she isn't good enough. I just want the woman I love to live out my greatest fantasy. What can I do? Am I just being a selfish jerk?


Dear Zack,

I of all people understand your attraction to redheads, and I can assure Brunetta that so far, mine hasn't fallen out. But Zack, you'll have to realize that past a certain point, your request will start to sound a little Vertigo. Remember that there will always be a gap between real life and fantasy, for which reason Breakup Mom can be mad about both Breakup Dad and Denzel Washington. And that for some people, having a fiance/e whom you love to death is the greatest fantasy.

Breakup Girl



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People ending marriages do not speak any sort of meaningful, consistent language to the person they’re seeing while they’re doing it.
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