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January 17, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have a major crush on my dentist. I've been going to the same one for about six years and think he is divine. He is about my age (mid-thirties), very handsome, funny, and unmarried. I go to have my teeth cleaned twice a year and have yet to say anything more than small talk. He responds with similar small talk. However, during my last visit, he was unusually talkative and gave me a lot of information: how he moved his mother down and helped her buy a house, about his niece being potty-trained, about how nice it is to see couples together being so loving towards one another... This showed me a side of him that (in my eyes) makes him even more interesting!

However, there I sat. I listened and responded, smiled, etc. He asked me if I was staying home for the holidays or going to New York (I'm from Queens), if I was a good cook, and if I went out to eat a lot. I basically answered his questions and smiled a lot. (I was actually having a cavity filled.) The thing is, I just can't bring myself to ask out my dentist. I feel like if he was really interested, he would be the one to make the first move. Call me old-fashioned, but I have found that when a woman makes the first move, she often has to continue making the first move. Yuck!

My plan (your opinion, please!) is to ask him to join me for a group function. My brother and his girlfriend will be there for moral support. My best friend suggested I find another dentist now, so that if things don't work out on the date, I can just stop going to his office altogether. The thing is...do I want to risk going out on a date with this person and risk having to find another dentist when I'd rather have a great dentist and be dateless? Help!


Dear J,

All that, and you get your teeth cleaned only twice a year?

You'd rather have a great dentist and be dateless?

4 out of 5 superheros say you've got it backwards.

I'm not saying with total clairvoyance that he likes you for sure, but let's say he does: I could see why he'd hesitate to make the first move: if you think about it, the doctor/patient dynamic a little dicier in his direction (like, he's the one with the drill). So I'd say this is one case where if someone's gonna make a move, you might have to. And again, why not? "There are other fish in the sea" is not helpful, but "there are other good dentists in New York City" is a fact; you can manage to take your cavities elsewhere. So many people -- in this week's column, even -- complain that there's no one even to crush on; you've got someone right, um, above your nose. So once you've rinsed, speak up and ask out. Group function sounds appropriate. Bring floss. And let us know what happens.

Breakup Girl



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