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January 10, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need



To BG from Moonstruck Mezzo:

Just thought I'd tell you that I actually met a guy on New Year's who is my age, available, and mad about me. Isn't it funny how life turns out? Now I can go to music class and not worry about anything. Thanks again for your invaluable advice, even if Fate did take care of everything in the end!


To Sue from John:

It seems to me that you were expecting your guy to read your mind and somehow magically know that you wanted an engagement ring for Christmas. So I'd take BG's final suggestion and ask him to marry you -- instead of trying to maneuver him into asking you, instead of getting upset and angry that he hasn't, just ask him. Do a whole formal proposal. His answer will let you know where things stand and if he really does want the same things you do.



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Let your Ex be mad because you broke up with him/her. Not because of HOW you broke up with him/her.
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