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You now realize that for the duration of your partnership, it never once occurred to you to spend some quality time making your own custom line of soap-on-a-rope. So caught up in that giddy whirlwind were you, that not once did you think to organize those little extra-button bags by designer and diameter. How could you have let yourself get so stifled? How could you have let things slide so? Now, finally, is your chance to catch up on what's important to you, to spend some time with Numero Uno, to explore and express what's really inside.

Breakup Girl's Inactivity Book!


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Breakup Girl created by Lynn Harris & Chris Kalb
© 2008 Just Friends Productions, Inc.
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Cool Aid!

Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
Whoever invited pays.
Breakup Girl Sez

The Stages of the Breakup:

Dropping The Bomb

I Never Realized How Much I Enjoy Spending Time Alone

Renewing Your Commitment To Personal Hygiene And Reentering Society

A World History of the Breakup

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