Rainy Day Fun!
Make paper-bag or sock puppets and put on a show! (Stick to fairy
tales or childhood stories; audience might read too much into "Punch
and Judy," passion plays, or an adaptation of "Heartburn") |
Make "jewelry" by stringing pieces of uncooked ziti
and wads of tinfoil on a pretty colored string. Play a funny joke on your
friends by wearing it the next time you go out-they'll think you've really
'lost it!' Ha, ha!

bookcovers out of paper bags. Decorate with
markers, magazine cutouts, and stickers. Use as functional-and funky-way
to protect/disguise valuable books such as The Pop-Up Kama Sutra,
his complete Vonnegut collection, and your bound manuscript-in- progress
(tentatively titled Gary Hortense Mitchell of Floyd Street in Austin:
One Loser's Story -or- Oops! I Swore I'd Never Tell Anyone Your Middle Name,
Didn't I?)
Maybe you should get out more...