Dear Breakup Girl,
I am getting married in two weeks, and lately I've become this emotional freak.
I love this guy, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and I
know he loves me. But lately, I've been getting these panic attacks, and every
time I run an errand for the wedding, I am morbidly overcome with what-if- I-got-into-an-accident- and-died?
thoughts. Hmm, you can just see the small-town headlines. And I'm torturing
my fiance with questions of "Do you really love me?" and "You do know that this
is a ceremony marking the rest of our lives, not just a big party, right?" I
think I'm also freaking because I've broken off two engagements before (but
they never got this far along and ended for very good and healthy reasons).
Do all brides get like this? Or have I just built this whole wedding stuff up
in my mind over the years so that, now that it's here, I can't deal with it?
I think I'm going to call the doctor and see if he can't prescribe something
for me.
--Emotional Wreck Bride
Dear EWB,
I'll bet you something borrowed that right now, being
someone blue is nothing new. I'm sure all my married friends freaked out (see,
they went through with it); why, Sassy Miz M even
confessed on these pages that she had a "sh*tfit at the BBQ the night before
[her] wedding because the BROWNIES WERE NOT PROPERLY SET OUT." And that
was on her first attempt -- you've got this always-the-runaway-bride thing to
run away from. No pressure! So yeah, no wonder you're doing the "death
do you part" before anyone's gathered here together. I'm sure it's hard
to hear your gut clearly when it's bound beyond recognition into a "foundation
garment," but I'm fairly sure it's saying nothing more complicated than,
that it's normal for you to be the Freak of Bridenstein, and do be judicious
about any marriage meds you might take (look what happened to
Samantha's sister), seriously. But do look both ways before you cross.
Breakup Girl