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November 8, 1999 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Time flies when ... you can. Can you believe this is already


When we launched the site in mid-November 1997, we made no initial predictions or promises about how often the column would run. That, we figured, would depend on you. I labeled a 1" binder "ADVICE," and I waited.

By the time I went home for Thanksgiving, the binder wouldn't even close. So as for the column: weekly it was. Since then, it's been here Monday in, Monday out, through thick and through Tuscany, and when my pain eclipsed even yours.

Whom do I have to thank for all that?


If you don't write, I don't write.

Thank you.

And in that spirit, I offer you (in no particular order):

Breakup Girl's Top Advice Letters of the Millennium

If you were not "selected," please do not feel that your problem was not good enough, or not bad enough. For one thing, I -- with the help of Chris and Betsy -- have chosen this bunch not so much for the predicaments themselves, but for the pluck and panache of the people who wrote them. Beyond that, this bunch is certainly not -- and could never be -- exhaustive. You're all brilliant, even when you're blue. Or heck, especially when you're blue. But please don't stay sad just to make the "200" list.

Oh, and a shout out to all of you who write such thoughtful, supportive shout outs.

And to Chris, Betsy, and of course Belleruth.

Again: mad props to all.

Onward and adviceward.



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Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
Ladies, there are PLENTY of nice straight guys left. Though it would be helpful if they had some sort of parade.
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